By Lisa O'Shea
Since last September, the Government have been working on a project to provide carbon dioxide monitors to state-funded schools to help staff to quickly identify where ventilation requires improvement. Fresh air in indoor spaces can help to remove air that contains virus particles, which can help to prevent the spread of Covid-19. It is our understanding that DfE has undertaken a procurement exercise to help support this project with schools.
Our Electrical Materials Framework website page includes a document to show the monitors available through the agreement, including stock levels, pricing and lead times. This document contains commercially sensitive information, including pricing, so we would be most grateful if members do not share this information with suppliers or anyone outside of their institution. Please note this information dates back to September 2021, but it is the most up to date document available. Further information will be made available to you as we receive it.
We are sharing this as it is our understanding that not all schools are covered by this government scheme, and it may be of interest to other phases of education.
We hope our members find this information useful. We have reached out to the DfE for further information on this scheme so that we can signpost appropriately, so please keep an eye out for further updates.
Should any members have any concerns or queries, please feel free to get in touch with Senior Procurement Officer Lisa O’Shea on [email protected] or on 0161 974 0947.