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CPC Direct Award

Direct award is best suited to procurements such as (but not limited to):

  • Low value / low complexity requirements
  • Where goods or services are exclusive to one supplier / provider
  • Continuity or additions to existing goods or services
  • Urgent / one-off requirements

You can use this tool to make a direct award to a CPC supplier where the framework allows.

  • Please read the framework user guide and call off conditions before making a direct award
  • Direct award can only be used when no changes to the call off Terms & Conditions (T&C) are needed. If you wish to alter T&C check the user guide for alternate call off methods or contact the contract manager
  • This tool can only be used where CPC have allowed for direct award during the tendering process. If the framework is not on this tool, it may mean that direct award is not a compliant method. Contact the contract manager to clarify

You can find details of the contract manager on the framework web page or in the user guide.

Use CPC Direct Award Tool