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Contracting Pipeline


By Keeley Blackburn

In last month's newsletter we announced the launch of our Contracting Pipeline page which is included within the redesign of the CPC website ../suppliers/contracting-pipeline/


"The continuous process from inception of the idea to the eventual award of contract"

Back in 2012 a project group was formed to review a mechanism for establishing and prioritising the contracting pipeline. The group explored and identified ways in which our members could feed into the contracting pipeline with ease.

The group decided that the following features were important: -

  • Our contracting programme should be visible to our members and potential suppliers;

  • We need to give members more accurate information on the progress of frameworks that are forthcoming;

  • Have a mechanism for our members to feed their ideas for potential frameworks into.

We asked for feedback from you, our members by way of a questionnaire and the responses were as follows: -

56% said they would like to suggest ideas for future tenders to cover new product/service areas through email and 41% would like to use a voting system.

73% said they'd be interested in using the 'vote' or 'like' method on our website whereby members could express interest in potential future tenders.

"It would be useful to get regular updates on frameworks that are in the pipeline, under review, expiring etc. We get some updates but it would be useful on a "rolling chart".

Taking your views into consideration we built the contracting pipeline as follows: -


We now have a section within the contracting pipeline page where you can suggest potential ideas for future frameworks. Any ideas uploaded within this section will need to be approved by the Contracting Manager. Once approved an email will be sent around to all our members asking them to vote, gauging their interest in the suggested framework.


Following the member feedback above we have created the frameworks coming soon section. This lists our contracting programme for the forthcoming 2 years. At the top of this list you'll find the frameworks that are being worked on currently. There is a notes section to keep you up to date on exactly where each framework is up to and links to the relevant In-Tend portal for suppliers to follow.


Here you'll find our most recently awarded frameworks. At the bottom of this list is a link to view all our frameworks.

If you have any further comments are questions regarding this new feature, or would like any help in using it to suggest a new framework, please do not hesitate to contact Keeley Blackburn, 0161 974 0945, [email protected]

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