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CPC Frameworks Support Modern Slavery Due Diligence Activities


The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires Colleges or Academies with a turnover greater than £36m to publish a Modern Slavery Statement by 31st January 2017. Within the statement you are required to describe your institutions due diligence processes in relation to slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains. This is where using CPC frameworks can help reduce your workload, as we have undertaken this activity for you.

Work has been underway over the last 6 months within the CPC Helpdesk team to collect and review the statements from the largest suppliers on CPC frameworks (those whose turnover is greater than £36m and will themselves be subject to the Modern Slavery Act) to make sure they have procedures in place to risk assess and evaluate their own supply chains to minimise the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking occurring. Our remaining suppliers will be contacted during February 2017 and copies of CPC suppliers Modern Slavery Statements will be available upon request from our helpdesk team.

We have also introduced an evaluation of bidders’ modern slavery elimination practices when we are tendering for new frameworks, ensuring that any future frameworks have this due diligence process embedded into them as standard.

More guidance on who the Modern Slavery Act applies too, what you need to do to comply and some example statements from colleges can be found on FELP.

We have also produced slavery and human trafficking guidance for Colleges and Academies who meet the £36m threshold and need to produce their own statement.

We have also produced CPC’s own Modern Slavery Statement and SME Statement for information on our corporate stance.

If you require any additional information relating to this area, please contact the CPC Helpdesk team at [email protected]

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