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CPC’s new ICT Networking and Storage Solutions framework is now live


By Jane Edwards

CPC’s new ICT Networking and Storage Solutions framework has undergone some significant changes compared to the last agreement.

Pre-market engagement was undertaken to define a new lot structure. Learning from our members feedback, we have created a new lot structure which should make using the agreement much easier as a one-stop-shop approach has been taken.

The lot structure is as follows with consultancy being a new area to the agreement:

Lot 1: On Premise Solutions

Lot 2: Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Lot 3: Consultancy Services

The agreement covers a wide range of product areas and installation services. The full scope can be found on CPC’s ICT Networking and Storage Solutions framework page.

The retender process for this framework involved technical scenarios. This included testing the suppliers on their technical capabilities as well as looking at customer requirements and pricing to achieve overall value for money for what is often a capital or strategic purchase.

Both Direct Award and Further Competition are available under the framework with Further Competition being the recommended route to market, particularly for any installation work.

The benefits of this agreement include:

  • Compliant with the UK Public Contracts Regulations (PCR 2015)

  • Multi-supplier framework, ensuring that suppliers remain competitive through the life of the framework agreement

  • Agreed Call off Terms for members

  • Contract managed centrally by CPC with KPI’s in place

  • Supporting User Guide and template documentation with the inclusion of a new ‘warm up letter template’ to encourage premarket engagement at a member level and increase the number of bids being received.

Full details are available on the CPC ICT Networking and Storage Solutions framework page.

Should you have questions about using this framework, please contact Category Manager Jane Edwards on [email protected] or 0161 823 1860.

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