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Do We have to Advertise Contracts Over £25,000 on Contracts Finder


Since the introduction of The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the Regulations) on 26 February 2015, one of the questions that members are raising is whether they have to advertise contracts over £25,000 on Contracts Finder.

There is no absolute obligation in the Regulations to advertise a below threshold contract in Contracts Finder. The obligation is only triggered if:

  • an active choice is made to advertise a 'contract opportunity' valued over £25,000; or

  • you are required by law or by internal policies to advertise below threshold contract opportunities.

On the other hand, there is an absolute obligation to post an award notice on Contracts Finder for contracts over £25,000 once they are awarded. This applies even where the contract was not originally advertised on Contracts Finder or the contract was awarded via a framework agreement that was established after 26 February 2015.

Note: maintained schools and academies plus colleges in Wales and Northern Ireland are exempt from all the Contracts Finder obligations.

More information on Contracts Finder and The Public Contracts Regulations 2015, including when you might be required by law to advertise a below threshold contract opportunity, and what information to publish in a Contracts Finder contract award notice, can be found on the Further Education of Library Procurement (FELP).

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