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Lantei Compliance Services to Host Duty Holder Seminars


One of our suppliers Lantei Compliance Services who are on our Portable Appliance Testing and Fixed Wire Testing framework are holding seminars this month.

The seminars aim to educate Duty Holders about the latest legislation and news within the electrical industry. They will support the delegates with their responsibilities by explaining how they can keep their workplaces safe and compliant.

Hosting the seminar will be Lantei’s CEO, Anthony Smith along with guest speakers who will share their knowledge and experience of working in the electrical industry.

Anthony Smith said: These seminars are held to inform Duty Holders of their responsibilities in the education sector. They will be packed full of interesting topics such as Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICR) and remedial work. There will be plenty of time for networking and to ask any questions. We hope to see you there.

The seminars are being held in Preston, Manchester, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Newcastle, and London. You can find out more information and book your place on their website.

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