We are pleased to announce that an improved suite of guidance documentation will now be issued with our frameworks.
As part of the guidance documentation, it is our intention to provide a full mini competition package for each framework as it launches. In addition to the standard guidance this will include the following:
A mini competition template that a member will be able to use for further competition and call off where a direct award cannot be made
Guidance on using the documentation including the changing of Lot information as well as scoring and weighting criteria to meet member requirements in accordance with the framework tolerances
A fully prepared scoring spreadsheet with pre-populated formulae to automatically calculate bidders scores following bid analysis
A guidance document detailing how to amend the spreadsheet where members change scoring and weighting criteria in accordance with the framework tolerances
A template standstill notice for the framework reflecting the award criteria within the mini competition documentation
A guidance document detailing how to amend the standstill notice taking into account any changes made in accordance with the framework tolerances
The first category that this will be completed for is, Desktop hardware: Lot One, Desktop Solutions. This was launched earlier this year as many members requested support in this area.
The draft documentation is presently under review with a target launch date November 2016. We will then launch documentation sets for each new framework published to the CPC portal from January 2017.
We are committed to providing our members with top quality services combined with best value compliant frameworks. We hope that you will find these additional resources beneficial.