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New Provision of Insurance & Associated Services for Colleges Framework


CPC have placed an OJEU contract notice inviting tenders for the new Provision of Insurance & Associated Services for Colleges framework.

Whilst CPC did have the option to extend the current insurance framework into 2018, we have listened to member feedback and decided to retender the agreement early to try and deliver a wider choice of providers. Not only do we want to be able to offer members more choice, we believe that our revisit of the market and increased competition will provide members with even better value. We anticipate announcing the details of the new framework week commencing 3rd April 2017 allowing Colleges with an August renewal plenty of time to complete the further competition process through the new framework.

We trust that this will be of great interest to all of our College members and this is the perfect opportunity for you to inform your incumbent brokers and insurers about the tender. Interested providers can express an interest and download the tender documents from the CPC In-tend site.

CPC and partners Risk2Value (R2V) are here with help and advice as always, so if you require any further details of the new framework agreement or are concerned whether this will impact your renewal in 2017 please email Contract Manager Gary Sadler at [email protected] or call on 0161 974 0940. Or you can email Insurance Consultant, Graham Peck at [email protected] or call on 01452 864 874.

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