The CPC procurement solution to support the education sector in appointing building contractors is progressing well. Many colleges and academies will be embarking on estates improvements projects in the coming months after receipt of government funding (either from the ESFA or DfE Condition Improvement Fund) and will no doubt be looking to get quotes from building contractors for a range of projects.
CPC’s new Minor Works Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is on track to be ready for you to use at the beginning of November 2020. The initial deadline for building contractors to apply for a place on the DPS has now closed and we are pleased to report we’ve had over 70 bids which run across each of the 29 categories on the DPS. This is only the beginning because once the DPS is operational at the end of October 2020, building contractors (including your local suppliers) will be able to apply for a place on the DPS at anytime throughout its five year duration. This means that the DPS can evolve to become your go to place of preferred building contractors without you needing to have to do the vetting or due diligence on the contractors yourself!
Key benefits of using the Minor Works DPS:
Your local contractor can apply to be on the DPS at any time. This allows you to get quotations for the work from your local contractors and gives you access to other contractors that have passed a vetting process to compare quotations against
CPC will do the necessary due diligence on your local contractor, (e.g. financial stability checks, health and safety record and process checks, environmental management checks and quality management checks), reducing the risk of this not being done and saving your institution time in having to carry out this due diligence
Encourages competition enabling you to demonstrate value for money
All supplier applications to the DPS will be processed and evaluated within a maximum of 14 days
The DPS has been broken down into 29 different categories to enable members to procure a wide array of specialist trades and works
All further competitions will be undertaken using the Multiquote e-tendering platform to ensure all procurement processes are fully auditable
We look forward to providing more updates on the progress of the DPS in the coming weeks and months. Please contact the DPS manager, Peter McMullan at [email protected] or 0161 974 0950 for further information.
Tenet can run the tender process for you
Ready to start the tender process but would like the support of a procurement consultant? Tenet’s team of tender specialists will help you to find the right service whilst helping to keep your institution safe against risks of procurement regulation non-compliance.
Our procurement specialists will manage an effective tender process for you to achieve cost effective proposals that fulfil the required specification.
Tenet have two On Demand Service options:
Compliant services tender process
We will manage the process to appoint a Project Management Service to deliver your building requirements.
Compliant works tender process
We will manage the process to appoint a construction firm to fulfil your building requirements.
Find out more about our tender service by visiting Tenet’s On Demand Service web page, emailing [email protected] or calling 01376 511 411.
Tenet Education Services are part of CPL Group and operate on a not-for-profit basis.