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Re-Tender of Library Resources Framework


By Keeley Blackburn

The OJEU notice for the Library Resources framework was placed on 6th June 2016 and the tender documents are now available via the CPC electronic tendering website. The tender is being carried out using the Open Procedure and has been split into the below four lots:

• Lot 1 – Library Books & Associated Services

• Lot 2 – Library E-Books & Associated Services

• Lot 3 – Journals / Periodicals, E-Journals and Associated Services

• Lot 4 – Library Discovery Services

It would be highly appreciated if you could inform your suppliers that may be interested in tendering and ask them to register their interest on In-tend. Once they’ve expressed an interest they will be able to download the tender documents.

We are anticipating that the new framework will be in place by the end of August 2016. As already advised, the current framework has been extended under the existing terms until 1st August 2016 to cover our members needs whilst the re-tender is taking place. Tender returns are due back 12pm on Monday 11th July 2016.

If you have any questions please contact, Senior Contracts & Procurement Officer, Keeley Blackburn at

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