The OJEU notice for re-tender of the Print & Related Services framework was placed on the 18th September 2017. The existing framework is due to expire on 12th January 2018.
The tender documents are now available for suppliers to download via MultiQuote. The tender is being carried out using the Open Procedure and has been split into 3 lots as detailed below:
Lot 1: Printing (maximum 8 suppliers)
Lot 2: Design & Print (maximum 8 suppliers)
Lot 3: Neutral Vendor (maximum 6 suppliers)
It would be appreciated if you could inform your incumbent and/or any other print suppliers you may work with who may be interested in tendering and ask them to register on MultiQuote. Once registered, they will be able to express an interest in bidding for the tender and download the tender documents. Tender returns are due back by 12pm on Monday 23rd October 2017.
We expect the new framework to be launched week commencing 15th January 2018. The new framework will run for an initial period of two years with the option to extend for two further one year periods.
If you have any questions please contact, Contracts & Procurement Officer Karis Lucano via email or phone on 0161 974 0958.