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Summer CPC framework launches recapped


In case you missed last month's extended edition of the CPC Newsletter, we have been pleased to launch a series of re-tendered frameworks during the past several weeks, covering a range of offerings across some diverse fields.

In addition to our latest, the new Broadcasting Equipment and Integrated Services agreement, CPC Contract Managers were able to give the green light to several other frameworks this summer, which we are happy to recap for our members below.

Whether requiring help with a one-off job, consistent, term time cleaning or a holiday deep cleanse, CPC's updated Building Cleaning framework went live in June and can connect institutions with approved, vetted specialists, facilitating the supply of host of janitorial, caretaking and adjacent cleaning-based services.

This refined framework is comprised of 15 regional lots, covering all four corners of the United Kingdom, as well as a final ‘national’ lot, with each offering a large selection of 12/13 suppliers. Eliminating the need for institutions to run their own full tendering process, CPC’s valuable groundwork enables public bodies to make key time savings while procuring outsourced cleaning solutions, allowing them to focus on what they do best.

Meanwhile, in the midst of a summer heat wave that now seems a mere memory, CPC were able to launch a refreshed Drinking Water Dispensers and Associated Services framework, providing dedicated purchasing guidance and support to enable the better buying of an array of drinking water solutions.

By utilising this re-tendered agreement, our CPC member institutions can effectively procure everything from plumbed in, bottled and hot water dispensers to integrated tap systems and external drinking fountains. The scope of the framework also spans a range of related and/or ancillary services, which include, but are not limited to, site surveys, sanitation checks and ongoing maintenance visits.

These frameworks followed the late-May launch of CPC's Sports, Fitness & Play Equipment framework, with a series of further agreements in the pipeline.

Finally, in case you missed it, CPC's Utilities Supplies & Services framework recently became our latest to be officially recommended by the UK Department for Education, taking our number of agreements with DfE endorsement to 15. Our full and varied selection of DfE-approved frameworks can be found here.

Renewed in October 2022 for a further five years, this particular agreement provides support and guidance for CPC member institutions looking to procure superior energy and gas supplies, helping to identify and lock in savings, while ensuring regulatory compliance. Comprised of some seven separate lots, establishments can also use the framework to acquire a range of other utilities solutions, from on-site generation to metered/unmetered water supply.

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