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Top tips for dealing with MFD contracts during the Coronavirus pandemic


Following the Cabinet Office’s advice on procurement during the Coronavirus pandemic, we are pleased to share some tips which may benefit users of CPC's Multifunctional Devices and Associated Print Services and Supplies framework.

Some members may find they have lease contracts which expire in the next few months and may not have the time or resources to deal with a new procurement process. Also, under the framework lease terms, the goods should strictly be returned to the supplier once the contract has come to an end. This may not be practical or desirable in these difficult times. So what can you do?

The CPC framework allows for the extension of leases up to the end of the useful life of the device, so members may wish to consider extending their current agreement. Members should consider the Cabinet Office’s advice on how to “modify or extend” contracts to achieve this. We’ve listed below a number of things to consider:

  • Members may have overtly provided for an extension within their original procurement tender documentation. If this is case, consider actioning this extension.

  • Should a member have not overtly provided for an extension within the original documentation, you may be able to extend by utilising the Direct Award provisions available under the framework agreement, directly awarding a contract by way of extension to your incumbent supplier.

  • Members may wish to make minor changes to their contract, e.g. adding or changing a device, updating software etc. Invariably extending with these changes would ordinarily be an acceptable modification.

  • Members will need to be sure that the new contract does not exceed the useful life of the device. Should this be beyond five years get written confirmation that the supplier guarantees the performance of the device (or will swap), ideally with a manufacturer statement around availability of parts.

  • Remember to consider whether any extension includes continued support of any software that is in the solution.

  • Ensure that any extension is indeed written as an extension to the agreement, so that all terms continue to prevail.

  • Keep a written record of your actions and reasons as a justification of using the emergency regulations.

We trust that members find the above advice useful and are able to navigate through this difficult time. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via the CPC Help Desk on 0800 066 2188.

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