Tradepoint (B & Q Ltd); a supplier on CPC’s Building Materials, Tools and Hardware framework, have recently agreed the following changes to discounts for us to be able to provide to our members when using the framework:
Entitlement to a discount of 5% off all eligible purchases
Entitlement to a rebate of 1% of all eligible spending
These changes will come into effect from Friday 1st October 2021.
The benefit for members will be that this discount will now apply across Tradepoint’s whole range of products and also applies on already discounted products as well allows members to be eligible to a rebate, if required.
Other than the above, the Terms and Conditions governing the discount and rebate will remain the same. The way in which the discount is applied or how the rebate is calculated has not been amended. For us to be able to take full advantage of the above benefits, we ask our members to continue to present their Tradepoint membership cards when making purchases in store and enter their Tradepoint membership details when making purchases online.
If you have any questions in respect of the above changes, please do not hesitate to contact Contract Manager Ekkehard Kugler at: [email protected] or on 0161 974 0964.