In a recent survey conducted by the British Educational Supplier’s Association (BESA), over a quarter of primary schools and a third of secondary schools say they will be looking at moving to cloud-based management systems. The reason for this is not just because this forms part of the Government’s EdTech strategy, or that cloud technology allows data to be stored, maintained and managed remotely, (a huge benefit during the closure of schools in lockdown), but because cloud-based systems offer far more EdTech opportunities for students. They’re also generally more secure and cheaper to run.
Access to faster internet speeds will be required to support this vision however, as cloud services become increasingly important in the effective running of schools.
Schools Broadband; a supplier on CPC’s Telecommunications Services framework, have been working closely with the DfE in addressing this issue. A lack of school budgets, together with limited access to suitable broadband speeds, has until now posed a common barrier to both primary and secondary schools in funding the right connectivity to deliver the DfE’s vision. The expense of a dedicated leased line, providing up to 1000Mbps, meant the majority of primary schools had no choice but to opt for superfast broadband products such as ‘Fibre to the Cabinet’, (FTTC & EoFTTC) delivering speeds up to just 80Mbps.
Schools Broadband is introducing a brand new suite of technologies known as Ultrafast broadband; designed to provide incredible bandwidth and is available via the framework.
For schools who need to improve their management systems and EdTech, who are considering a migration to cloud services, or simply to reduce spend on a Leased Line, Ultrafast broadband provides affordable connections that can deliver schools the faster speeds required now and unimaginable speeds you might demand in the future.
The roll-out of Ultrafast Broadband is well underway with an already well-established network. The technology is being installed at a rapid pace with availability increasing daily.
An Ultrafast connection will allow full deployment of one-to-one devices throughout a whole school, whatever its size and provide your school with connectivity to support a full migration of all your services to the cloud. These speeds are so phenomenal, an Ultrafast connection could be the last connection you will ever need!
You can find out more information about the framework and these services by visiting our framework page or contacting the dedicated framework help desk on 0843 5070460 or [email protected].