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CPC Saves £1 Million for South Devon College


Since 2011 CPC has provided 21 hours of procurement consultancy per week at South Devon College. CPC's Procurement Consultant Sue Hayes, has been based at the College and with the support of CPC colleagues delivered magnificent cost savings whilst securing quality products and services for the College. CPC have been committed to delivering outstanding procurement support and excellent contract management whilst producing outcomes that positively impact both the College and its students. South Devon College are delighted with this significant achievement.

"We know the savings CPC have secured are real savings, which have had a positive impact on the College, not just financially but also on the quality of the products and services we use and ultimately the student experience. Thank you for all you have done and, as importantly, how you have done this"

Laurence Frewin
Principal and CEO
South Devon College

During the relationship areas of spend reviewed include: waste management, grounds maintenance, telephony, print room equipment and multi-functional devices, office stationery and copier paper, website design services, printing services and insurance, to name a few.

In addition, CPC have supported a number of capital bid projects and helped with ERDF funded Hi Tech Digital and Skills Centre by managing the tender for the construction contract.

Further cost savings of £100k have been delivered by CPC through collaborative tenders with other local FE colleges. Collaborative areas of spend have included PC hardware and building cleaning services.

"I am naturally very proud of the members of the CPC team who support the work that goes into providing a service to South Devon College, in particularly Sue. Credit should also be given to the senior management team at South Devon College for recognising and supporting the benefits of a robust procurement service. Sadly, many education establishments view a procurement service as an expense but this is just one example where CPC have demonstrated a strong long-term working relationship with an education specialist is actually a very good investment."

Darren Lowe
Managing Director

To find out how one of CPC’s Procurement Consultants can help your institution save significantly contact us today. CPC have a savings model, so that you are fully assured that we will save you more money than the service will cost you, whilst allowing you to retain 100% of your savings.