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Buildings and facilities improvement funding


By Peter McMullan

The T Levels Capital Fund includes a Buildings and Facilities Improvement Grant (BFIG) if you require capital funding to support the delivery of T Levels. Deadline for grant applications is 12 noon on Friday 26 March 2021.   

Part of the application process is to submit contractor quotations and/or robust cost estimates. You or the project manager / consultant working on your project can obtain these from qualified and experienced construction contractors through our Minor Works DPS.  The DPS will save you time as CPC has already done the due diligence on the contractors, including: 

  • Financial stability checks

  • Health and safety record and process checks

  • Environmental management checks

  • Quality management checks

Your trusted local contractor can apply to be on the DPS too, so you can get quotes from them and other contractors that have passed a vetting process.  

Also announced last month was the latest Further Education Capital Transformation Fund (FECTF).  The FECTF gives FE colleges the opportunity to bid for investment in capital projects that address the upgrading of their FE estate.  The application process is conducted in two stages with a deadline for submissions for Stage 1 at 11.59pm on Monday 15 March 2021.  Those FE colleges successful in Stage 1 will be invited to submit Stage 2 applications where more detailed evidence on costings and procurement plans will be required. 

Should your college be applying to the FECTF, why not encourage your trusted local contractors to apply to be on our Minor Works DPS now, so they are ready to respond to requests for quotations should you decide to use the DPS to support your stage 2 application. 

Visit our Minor Works DPS framework page to find out more, or contact the DPS Manager, Peter McMullan, [email protected] or 0161 974 0950 to discuss your requirements. 

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