- Starting Date
- 09/10/2024
- Ending Date
- 08/10/2026
- Extended End Date
- 08/10/2028
- Tender Reference
- CPC/LO/01/2024
- Description
The framework is a retender of a previous agreement under the name Library Resources and Associated Services. It includes aggregators, resellers, and software developers who will offer additional benefits through collaborative and innovative partnerships with CPC members. The products and services within the scope of this agreement may be purchased in varying quantities during the framework period.
The framework scope includes:
- Academic books from a range of publishers (from early years to KS4 and HE)
- Shelf-ready book services
- Professional books and publications
- Learning aids
- eBooks
- Newspaper, journal, periodical subscriptions
- Consolidation services
- Library discovery tools and services, including search functionality, database provision, Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), web resources, publisher packages, catalogue records, and electronic and print resources
With this iteration, the authority has expanded upon the scope previously offered, to put in place a new framework agreement with multiple suppliers including products and services including but not limited to:
- The supply of print, audio, electronic, and alternative format library books, including curriculum, textbooks, and reading for pleasure
- The supply of print, audio, electronic, and alternative format journal, and periodical subscription services
- Services including books processing, consolidation services, shelf ready services, ordering, payment, monitoring, and reporting
- The supply of library management systems, library discovery services, and reading lists including associated support and maintenance.
- Benefits
- Compliant with Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015)
- Choice of Provider
- Time Saving & Easy to Use
- CPC Contract Manager Assistance & Support
- Framework Specific User Guide
- Using this framework supports our Giving Back initiative. Our charity's focus is on SEND, wellbeing and absenteeism
- How to Use
- Direct Award: The recommendations for direct award have been laid out within the framework user guide. It is suggested that members award on one of the following bases – Overall score awarded at the time of framework tender, or highest discount off publisher’s list prices (in the case of Lots 1-2), or lowest handling fee (in the case of Lot 3). Guidance suggests that this method is best utilised where the members’ requirement is on an urgent, low-value, one-off basis
- Direct Award using a Desktop Exercise - If a member wishes to Direct Award Using a Desktop Exercise and the weightings laid down in the Framework Agreement evaluation process do reflect the requirements of the Member then one of the listed methods above can be utilised to award a contract to the supplier with the Most Advantageous Tender. If, however, the weightings laid down in the Framework Agreement evaluation process do not reflect the requirements of the Member, Members are able to change the award criteria weightings.
- Mini-competition: Where a member requires a longer-term, higher value contract that necessitates a well-maintained relationship with the awarded supplier, it is recommended that a mini-competition process is undertaken. A template has been created to assist members with this requirement, however it is very generalised, and members must modify the template to consider their particular needs
- Get a Quote
The CPC Quote Tool makes it easy to perform and manage a further competition exercise on this Framework. It's free to use for all our members and offers quick, compliant access to all suppliers on purchases that fall below £214,904.00
If your purchase exceeds £214,904.00, the CPC Sourcing Cloud is available that complies with the regulations to allow electronic tender returns whilst still being free to use for our members. Find out more about the CPC Sourcing Cloud.
- Direct Award
Direct award is best suited to procurements such as (but not limited to):
- Low value / low complexity requirements
- Where goods or services are exclusive to one supplier / provider
- Continuity or additions to existing goods or services
- Urgent / one-off requirements
- Framework Lots
- Associated Documentation
Framework User Guide EssentialThis is required reading if you are considering using this framework. It tells you everything you need to know about the panel of providers, eligibility, running the mini-competition process, and evaluating bids.
- Contract Manager
The contracting authority for this Framework is Crescent Purchasing Consortium.
Rezia Begum
Senior Procurement Officer