- Starting Date
- 21/10/2024
- Ending Date
- 20/10/2026
- Extended End Date
- 20/10/2028
- Tender Reference
- CPC/MN/01/2024
- Description
Following the expiration of the current Utilities Supplies and Services Framework Agreement let by CPC, this new framework agreement has been awarded to a single/sole supplier - SE First (Inenco) - an outcome of a fully regulated, above public procurement threshold tender exercise.
Inenco is the oldest energy consultancy in the UK and with over 50 years of energy management and sustainability experience. Inenco works with some of the largest organisations in the UK, specialising in the education and wider public sector, to reduce carbon emissions, optimise energy usage and implement effective energy cost procurement strategies to control costs.
Sustainable Energy First acquired Inenco in August 2024.
Utilities Supplies & Services Framework is split into 2 Lots:
Lot 1: Energy consultancy services for Gas, Electricity and Water procurement.
Lot 2: Sustainability consultancy services for Carbon Reporting, Decarbonisation and Energy-Efficiency.
For more information on the scope of services available under the agreement, please refer to the User Guide.
- Benefits
- Compliant with Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015)
- Choice of Provider
- Time Saving & Easy to Use
- CPC Contract Manager Assistance & Support
- Framework Specific User Guide
- Using this framework supports our Giving Back initiative. Our charity's focus is on SEND, wellbeing and absenteeism
- How to Use
For Services under both Lots, please send your initial completed Data Collection Spreadsheet (see associated documentation section of the framework webpage) to SE First's (Inenco) dedicated CPC inbox (cpc@inenco.com), who will review the information and make contact with you.
You should expect a phone-call from one of SE First's (Inenco) Business Generation Executives within 5 days to set up a digital meeting for you with one of the Energy Consultants who will help you to decide what services you wish to contract and to map out the best approach for your organisation. SE First (Inenco) aim to hold this virtual meeting within a week of the initial call.
A typical further competition process for both Lots is outlined within the associated documentation section of the framework webpage.
For more information on how to use this Framework agreement, please refer to the User Guide.
- Associated Documentation
Contracting TimelineThe template would assist Members in understanding the process map and timescales for contracting.
Further Competition ProcessThe document would assist Members in understanding typical further competition process .
Data Collection SpreadsheetThe template would assist Members in compiling the Energy Supply information needed to facilitate an energy supply quotation.
Framework User Guide EssentialThis is required reading if you are considering using this framework. It tells you everything you need to know about the panel of providers, eligibility, running the mini-competition process, and evaluating bids.
- Contract Manager
The contracting authority for this Framework is Crescent Purchasing Consortium.
Natalia Piecyk
Procurement Officer