Education sector organisations can join Crescent Purchasing Consortium for free. We welcome educational institutions, including:
Further education colleges
Further education sixth form colleges
Multi-Academy trusts (MATs)
Schools with 6th forms
Free schools
Specialist and special needs colleges
Adult education colleges
Private and Independent colleges
University technical colleges
If your organisation is not listed and provides educational services or is a local authority please contact our Help Desk on 0800 066 2188 or [email protected] and they will confirm if your organisation is eligible to join.
What you need to do:
Nominate a Liaison Officer – a key member of staff to liaise with CPC (find out more)
Search to see if your institution is already a CPC member – only one membership account is required but you can have unlimited user accounts
Complete the online application form – in just a few minutes
What you need before you start:
Your institution's address
Your institution's UKPRN number (find it here)
Contact details of your Liaison Officer (if you are nominating someone else)