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CPC Swoosh

Supply, Installation and Management of Data Centre Equipment and Infrastructure

A framework for the supply, installation, management, maintenance, and disposal of data centre equipment and data centre infrastructure including design and consultancy.

Starting Date
Ending Date
Extended End Date
Tender Reference

A compliant route to market for the provision of any or all elements of the supply, installation, management, maintenance, disposal and recycling of data centre equipment and data centre infrastructure including design and consultancy. Equipment and infrastructure may be required for existing or brand-new data centre environments for example for fit out, refurbishment, relocation or upgrade purposes.

The types of equipment and infrastructure covered by the scope includes but is not limited to uninterrupted power supplies (UPS), cooling equipment, generators, gas and fire suppression systems, PDUs, server and network racks, cabinets, blanking panels, building management equipment, monitoring equipment, modular and mobile data centre infrastructure, edge/micro data centre Infrastructure, plus equipment and infrastructure as part of modular or prefab units, containerised/prefab units.

This framework does not provide for data centre servers or storage or network equipment (available via this framework). Additionally, it does not provide for the construction of Data Centres (new brick and mortar buildings / traditional data centre types) or construction projects, as is available here. Peripheral related and relevant services may be offered provided that this is as part of the overall product and service provision being within the core provision of the Framework as stated, and within the Public Contracts Regulations, otherwise quotes can be sourced from this framework.


    Compliant with Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015)

    Choice of provider

    Time saving and easy to use

    CPC contract manager assistance and support

    Flexible call-off options, including 30% allowable variation to evaluation criteria for desktop exercise or mini-competition

    Established HE Suppliers awarded to the framework providing longevity and experience

    Robust terms and conditions

  1. Using this framework supports our Giving Back initiative. Our charity's focus is on SEND, wellbeing and absenteeism
How to Use

Methods for call-off are listed below, but members are recommended to view the framework User Guide prior to framework use:

  • Mini competition - A further competition must be used where additional requirements which are not set out in the Framework Agreement are being introduced into a particular call-off contract. All supplier(s) must be invited to submit responses to the Member’s tender document
  • Desktop exercise – where time is of the essence, Members may use a desktop calculator to amend the criterion by up to thirty (30) percentage points to reflect their local requirements. This tool is available to Framework users in the Associated Documentation below
  • Direct award – this route is recommended for institutions with a one off or urgent need. Members should approach the supplier that scored the highest at the time of framework tender, if they are unable to provide for the requirement, then the second highest should be approached, then the third etc.
Get a Quote

The CPC Quote Tool makes it easy to perform and manage a further competition exercise on this Framework. It's free to use for all our members and offers quick, compliant access to all suppliers on purchases that fall below £214,904.00

Get a Quote

If your purchase exceeds £214,904.00, the CPC Sourcing Cloud is available that complies with the regulations to allow electronic tender returns whilst still being free to use for our members. Find out more about the CPC Sourcing Cloud.

Direct Award

Direct award is best suited to procurements such as (but not limited to):

  • Low value / low complexity requirements
  • Where goods or services are exclusive to one supplier / provider
  • Continuity or additions to existing goods or services
  • Urgent / one-off requirements

Make a Direct Award

Associated Documentation
  • Call Off Terms & Conditions Essential
    Having selected your chosen supplier, orders can be placed via the Call-Off Contract Terms and Conditions. Your preferred supplier will populate the Call-Off Contract terms and conditions with the full details of your requirement and then present you with completed Call-Off contract terms and conditions for signature.
  • Framework User Guide Essential
    This is required reading if you are considering using this framework. It tells you everything you need to know about the panel of providers, eligibility, running the mini-competition process, and evaluating bids.
  • Desktop Calculator
    The attached template document should assist you with running your further competition and once completed should be sent to all suppliers on the relevant framework lot.
Contract Manager

The contracting authority for this Framework is NEUPC.

Jane Edwards

Procurement Manager

[email protected]

0161 8231860