FE will need to contend with scrutiny from The Office for Students to access funding prescribed by The Augar Review
FE will need to contend with scrutiny from The Office for Students to access funding prescribed by The Augar Review
On 22 May 2019 Hadlow College became the first College to be placed into Education Administration following an application by the Secretary of State
The Act offers procedural exemptions under section 14, relating to repeat and vexatious requests; and section 12, relating to excessive costs
The Court of Appeal recently held that there is no breach of the implied term of trust and confidence where there is reasonable and proper cause to suspend
A brief guide to the transfer of employees who are members of a Local Authority Pension Scheme
Recommendations have been recently announced by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to tackle the problem of sexual harassment at work.
The decision by the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) in Capita Customer Management Limited v Ali provided welcome clarity on shared parental leave pay (“ShPP”)
The government’s post 16 area review programme required colleges to consider their future, with increasing encouragement to merge.