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Estates and Facilities Professional Services DPS

Procure a wide range of Estates & Facilities Consultancy Services in one place for your institution’s works projects and / or programmes.

Starting Date
Ending Date
Tender Reference

CPC's Dynamic Purchasing System with multiple suppliers for the supply of Estates and Facilities Consultancy services is designed to meet a wide range of service needs of its members from the education sector.

The services that shall be provided under this DPS will support Members in delivering a range of works projects and/or programmes which may include but is not limited to:

  • New builds
  • Refurbishments
  • Alterations/extensions
  • Conservation and preservation of buildings and/or structures
  • Maintenance works/programmes
  • Replacement of capital plant, mechanical and electrical equipment
  • Demolitions

The DPS will allow members to engage quickly with competent, capable and committed providers and will remove many of the obstacles that members may face when using traditional tendering methods or other frameworks. 

The Department for Education (DfE) recommend this DPS to Schools and Academies.

View all DfE Approved Frameworks

  1. There are multiple contractors in each category to encourage competition enabling you to demonstrate value for money.
  2. The DPS will also save you time as CPC has already done the due diligence on the contractors, including: Financial stability checks, Health and safety record and process checks, Environmental management checks, Quality management checks.
  3. Your local contractor can apply to be on the DPS so you can get quotes from them and other contractors that have passed a vetting process.
  4. All procurement processes are fully auditable as further competitions will be done using the Sourcing Cloud tendering platforms.
  5. All requirements are subject to further competition meaning budget holders will be able to demonstrate the achievement of best value from all procurement processes undertaken via the DPS.
  6. Accelerated timescales – users of the DPS will be able to appoint a contractor to deliver their requirement much quicker than if procuring via an open tender route.
  7. No minimum or maximum project values stipulated for this DPS, all built environment consultancy requirements in scope.
  8. Using this framework supports our Giving Back initiative. Our charity's focus is on SEND, wellbeing and absenteeism
How to Use

CPC’s Sourcing Cloud makes it easy to perform and manage further competition exercises. It’s free for CPC members to use and offers quick, compliant access to all suppliers on the DPS. Use the ‘Get a quote’ button to create a Sourcing Cloud account and send your further competition to the DPS suppliers.

Get a quote from the Sourcing Cloud

A further competition template is available in the Associated Documentation section on this page. Help using Sourcing Cloud is available in our Sourcing Cloud User Guide.

How can contractors apply to be included on the Estates and Facilities Professional Services DPS?

The DPS is being managed through the MultiQuote platform (Project Ref: CA11274), interested parties will need to create an account for their organisation (if not already setup) and then navigate to the opportunity using the project reference via the “Opportunity Search” tool on the dashboard.

Once located, interested parties will then need to download and complete the “Estates & Facilities Professional Services DPS ITP” document. Once complete, all documentation should be uploaded and submitted to the portal. All applications to the DPS will be evaluated within 10 working days of receipt.

Bidders should take note of the checklist included within the ITP document and ensure all necessary documentation has been submitted with their application (failure to submit in accordance with the checklist may result in the application being rejected or delayed).

DPS Lots
Associated Documentation
  • Further Competition Template Essential
    The attached “Invitation to Mini Competition” template document should assist you with running your further competition and once completed should be sent to all suppliers on the framework.
  • DPS - Frequently Asked Question
    Frequently Asked Questions regarding this DPS.
  • Framework User Guide Essential
    This is required reading if you are considering using this framework. It tells you everything you need to know about the panel of providers, eligibility, running the mini-competition process, and evaluating bids.
  • DPS Supplier List by Lot and Region
    The aim of this document is to identify suppliers by Lot and Region.
  • Call Off Terms and Conditions Essential
    Having selected your chosen supplier, orders can be placed via the Call-Off Contract Terms and Conditions. Your preferred supplier will populate the Call-Off Contract terms and conditions with the full details of your requirement and then present you with completed Call-Off contract terms and conditions for signature.
Contract Manager

The contracting authority for this DPS is Crescent Purchasing Consortium.

Natalia Piecyk

Procurement Officer

[email protected]