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Mini-competition process checklist


CPC understand that procuring goods & services can be daunting, so we have put together a simple checklist to help guide you through your mini-competition process.

Talk with suppliers

You can use the CPC Quote Tool to warm up the market and let them know roughly when you will be putting out a Request For Quote (RFQ). The suppliers can help you understand what you need to include, timescales to consider, if there are changes in technology etc. if you need them to.

Decide what you need

Talk with those that the requirement will affect most (stakeholders) to find out exactly what they need from it. Remember that brands should not be specified other than in exceptional circumstances!

Prepare your request

CPC provide User Guides for our frameworks, and the vast majority have mini-competition templates to help guide you with what to include. This may cover example specifications, assessment criteria, timescales, TUPE, key performance indicators etc. Write your specification in such a way that piques the interest of the suppliers, sell your opportunity to them and you may get a more attractive quote!

Consider timescales

Suppliers will require adequate time to respond to your request. A mini-comp may take anywhere from a week to a month to complete, so an appropriate return deadline should be given. Consideration should also be given to clarification deadlines, site visits, implementation/delivery, internal authorisation and deadline for award.

If the request landed on your desk, how long do you think you’d need to provide a quote?

Comply with terms of the framework

CPC provide call-off terms & conditions that have been pre-agreed by the appointed suppliers. Any minor amendments you may choose to make should be highlighted to suppliers, as these will govern the resulting contract, and suppliers’ bids will be provided on this basis.


Decide what award criteria you are going to use. Remember, weightings must add up to 100%. Inform suppliers of which questions you consider to be more important. Give suppliers as much info as you can on how you are going to evaluate them, and stick to it!


Examples of scoring methodologies can be found in the framework Invitation to Tender

Assessing Suppliers

Treat all bids fairly and assess them only against the criteria you have set. Make notes of where you have marked suppliers down so that you can give them constructive feedback, and keep secure auditable records.

Contract award

Inform successful and unsuccessful suppliers of your award decision. Remind them of the criteria you used, and give them constructive feedback on their bid so that they may improve for future opportunities. Suppliers only need info on their own submission – do not share other suppliers’ bids.

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CPC staff are here to help. Contact our Helpdesk if you are in any doubt on 0800 066 2188

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