By Ria Logan
CPC exists to provide its members with best value supply solutions across its 69 education sector focused frameworks. Therefore, in order for us to successfully continue providing for our members’ needs, we want you to be a part of each frameworks creation and have your input heard and considered.
CPC’s Cashless Payment Systems and Associated Supplies and Services framework is due to expire on 16th July 2021 and with the coronavirus pandemic accelerating the already growing trend for cashless payments, CPC wishes to develop a new ‘next generation’ framework that is successful in providing for our members’ current and future needs. We have learnt from experience that in order to develop such a framework, it must be attractive in terms of the framework structure (its lots and services) and its operation and support. CPC is therefore seeking the views of its members on the most appropriate structure and design for its new and forthcoming market-leading Cashless Payment Systems framework. Specifically, CPC would initially welcome your thoughts on the following points:
i) Supplies and service mix
a. What supplies and services would you like to be available under the framework?
b. How should these supplies and services be defined? Is there any specific terminology that is used in the education sector to identify cashless payment products and services?
c. Would you associate cashless payments with a particular category area e.g; schools catering?
d. What other areas of your establishment are cashless payment systems are used?
ii) Lot structure
a. How many lots should there be and how should they be defined?
b. Ideally, we would like to have one lot where all supplies and services can be procured. Is this credible and user friendly for all members?
iii) Framework support structures
What framework support structures should be put in place to ensure members are adequately supported?
It is our normal practice to provide a help desk, designated framework Contract Manager and associated support materials such as user guides, standard order documentation etc.
iv) Marketing
a. How and where should the framework be marketed to ensure maximum visibility from CPC members e.g: specific Linkedin groups?
b. What would make you want to use the cashless payments framework? e.g; ease of use, wide variety of products and services, a varied mix or suppliers?
c. What other public sector frameworks for cashless payments are you aware of and are there any beneficial features that can be incorporated into this framework?
d. Do you have any other general thoughts upon the creation of a market-leading successful framework?
Members are invited to forward their input in respect of the above to Ria Logan at [email protected].
Should you feel that there are any additional matters that you wish to put forward, please don’t hesitate to add these into your feedback.
Please ensure your input is received by close of business on 12th April 2021. Your early input would be welcomed.