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Procurement training webinar series


By Ria Logan

CPC are always looking for ways to support the education purchasing community. This time, with the support of our framework suppliers, we are delighted to offer you a series of training webinars. The webinars are aimed at those directly involved in awarding contracts subject to The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and outsourcing service contracts.

Date/TimeTopicWhy AttendRegister
24th March 12 noonContract Award - what constitutes a right to challenge and how can potential challenges be avoided?Gain an understanding of the challenge process and the commonly litigated issues.Register here
30th March 11.30amThe application of Transfer of Undertaking Protection of Employment Regulations (TUPE) in outsourcing contracts – what are the pitfalls and how do we avoid them?

Gain an understanding of:

  • The application of TUPE

  • Risks and tips associated with contract commencement

  • Contract exit and second generation outsourcing issues

Register here
22nd April 11.30amHow do I successfully build social value into my procurement and how do I measure it within my scoring matrices?Gain an understanding of The Public Services Social Value Act and how far you can go in building it in to the scoring of tenders.Register here 

Click on the links above to register for one, two or all three events and to receive joining instructions.

Please note that these webinars are available to CPC members and education institutions only.

Should you need to appoint a legal services provider please visit the CPC Legal Services framework agreement to find out more. Alternatively, please use CPC’s free Legal Services Helpline Tool for free basic legal advice.

Should you have any queries please contact our Legal Services Contract Manager Ria Logan on [email protected] or 0161 974 0955.

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